
Notes on Current Electricity

1. Static state electrons have energy, electrons become more useful when they are made to transfer their energy

2. In an electric circuit, energy source always provides electrons with energy

3. The electrons are transport by conductors, to where the electrons energy is transferred, then back to the source be re-energized.

4. The flow chart is called electric current

5.Current is the rate of charge flow

6.Current is the total amount of charge moving past a point in a conductor divided by the time

7.Current flow move form positive terminal to negative terminal of any power supply

8.A coloured wiring use black represents the negative terminal and red represents the positive terminal

9.Direct current, the current flows in a single direction from the power supply through the conductor to a load and back to the power supply

10.Electric current to flow: it must have a complete path from the negative side of the power supper to the positive side

11.The path of current is called current

12.Excess of any one charge will cause a force of repulsion

13.The electrical potential energy for each coulomb of charge in a circuit is called the electric potential difference [V] it is often called voltage

14.Using a voltmeter to measure potential difference between any two points

