

Cannon uses gunpowder or other explosive-based propellants to launch a projectile. The Jaivana cannon is the world's biggest wheeled cannon ever made. It is located in India. It was built in 1720, Jaivan rests on a high 4 wheeled carriage. The front wheels are 2.74 m in diameter and the rear wheels are 1.37 m in diameter. The length of the barrel of the cannon is 20 feet 2 inches and it weighs 50 tons. The circumference near the tip of the barrel is 7 feet 4 inches and that of the rear is 9 feet 4 inches. The diameter of the bore of the barrel is 11 inches and the thickness of the barrel at the tip is 8-1/2 inches. The thickness gradually increases towards the rear of the barrel. A 776 mm long elevating screw was used for raising and lowering the barrel. Reportedly, it took four elephants to swivel it around on its axis. The cannon uses about 100 kg of gun powder fired a shot ball weighing 50 kg. The uses and range of the cannon and cannonballs vary over different sources. Some say the Jaivana Cannon was only fired once by the Maharajah Jai Singh, as a test-fire in 1720. Others say that it was fired many times, indicated by the fire marks on the inside of the barrel. The most exaggerated was it had a range of 40 km with the Maharajah's test fire; other sources say it is 35, 22 and 11 km.




F=ma   Fk=μkFn   Fs=μsFn


There is no force when the force is balanced.
-          no air resistance
-          no friction
-          a=0 ( ax=0 and ay=0 )
-          set positive axis
-          break down in to x and y components
-          Free Body Diagram
-          T1x=T2x

Inclines (Static) / Incline (Kinetic)
The object in on an incline surface, one is static has no acceleration and another one is kinetic with acceleration.

Inclines (Static) Assumptions:
-          no air resistance
-          FN  perpendicular to the surface
-          positive axis is the direction of acceleration
-          no acceleration
-          break down in to x and y components
-          Free Body Diagram
-          Fgx-f=0
-          FN-Fgy=0

Inclines (Kinetic)
-          no air resistance
-          FN  perpendicular to the surface
-          positive axis is the direction of acceleration
-          break down in to x and y components
-          acceleration does not equal to zero
-          Free Body Diagram
-          FN-Fgy=0
-          Fgx-f=ma

A pulley has two mass one is going up and one is going down, is used to change the direction of an applied force, the acceleration are the same.
-          pulley is frictionless
-          rope frictionless
-          no air resistance
-          Positive axis is the position of the
-          2 system, 2 Free Body Diagrams
-          T1=T2
-          Acceleration of the system is the same ay1 = ay2
-          break down in to x and y components acceleration

We assume the train as a whole.
-          positive axis is the direction of acceleration
-          acceleration is constant
-          no air resistance
-          acceleration of the system is the same
-          ay = 0
-          3 Free Body Diagrams
-          T1y-T2y-Fg= 0


Projectile Motion

   Projectile motion is a two dimensional motions with constant acceleration.  The motion of an object projected into the air at an angle. For examples, when you are kinking a soccer ball, throwing a baseball, or a long jumping. When a projectile is an object upon which the only force acting is gravity.

There is no acceleration in Vx, gravity is the acceleration in Vy.

             Path of a projectile projected at an angle with horizontal direction.

Component projectile velocities in x and y direction,the Vx stays the same and moving at constant speed.

Four Types of Projectile Promblems:

Type 1:

Type 2:

Type 3:

Type 4: